The Best Places To Go Yachting In New England
When we are in the process of charting a course for our next yachting trip, it can be difficult to narrow down the selections. There are so many great locations to choose throughout New England and that is why we are here to provide you with an awesome guide that will allow you to make an educated decision.
After all, planning the perfect itinerary is one of the most crucial aspects of a top-notch New England yachting trip. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ports that are bound to become your favorites once you have had the chance to see them for yourself!
Essex, Connecticut
Whether you are from Connecticut or one of the surrounding states, there is much to enjoy about a visit to Essex. The best time to visit is during a fall weekend when you will have a chance to head to the Griswold Inn. This town has the sort of old world charm that a yachting enthusiast is going to find difficult to resist. Those who wish to try out the game menu can wait until December when they can visit Gris.
Portland, Maine
Portland, Maine often goes forgotten as far as top of the line New England yachting destinations are concerned and this is a mistake that is going to be made at your own peril. No matter what size yacht you will be arriving with, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this beautiful town. Casco Bay has over 200 islands alone. Whether you are looking for a shorter stay or a longer vacation, this is the place to be.
Cape May, New Jersey
Those who are looking for some of the finest Victorian architecture will typically head to Cape May. Its gorgeous beaches make for the perfect summertime destination. Thanks to its location at the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay, Cape May also offers a prime location for bird watchers. If you are looking to get some fishing in, Cape May is rife with tuna, flounder and sea bass.
Greenport, New York
This is a more unassuming yachting location. While it is located on Long Island’s northern fork, Greenport is a little less fancy than some of the other surrounding areas. The south fork is well known for the Hamptons outings that they have to offer but this port’s fishing community keeps yachting enthusiasts coming back over and over again. Claudio’s Clam Bar is a must-see for the dine and dock crowd.
Edgartown, Massachusetts
While it can be a bit crowded during the summer months, these pretty streets offer the sort of elegance that other destinations simply cannot match. There is a reason why so many experts consider this town to be the premier location for sailing on the entire eastern seaboard. These streets once served as the home for various whaling captains and it is time that you found out what you were missing.
Mystic, Connecticut
It has been said that the sailor that does not already have a place in their heart for this shipbuilding port that is located in the northeastern quadrant of Connecticut simply has yet to show up. The Mystic Seaport Museum offers visitors the perfect chance to enjoy a true “Mystic moment” and the summertime is one of the best moments to visit this town.
New York City, New York
The Big Apple isn’t always included on lists like these and this is the sort of exclusion that never made sense. Manhattan is one of the most action-packed islands that you can visit and there is no shortage of activities for sailors to partake in. Sailing down the Hudson and taking in the sites, both modern city skyline and historic monuments, forts, and bridges, is an amazing perspective on NYC not many get to experience.